Do Good Again and Again and Take Delight in it | Blissful is the Accumulation of Good



Global Chapters

Global Chapters

While there are children throughout the globe in need of assistance, there are regions of the world that have significantly higher numbers of children who are homeless, orphaned or neglected. Outreaches sponsored by HHIDM have already begun their mission throughout many parts of the world. Each of these chapters is dedicated to providing a stable, supportive and wholesome environment where children of all ages can receive the attention needed in order for them to develop into empowered individuals through

Infrastructure for advancing children, communities and human rights

Supporting an independent judiciary in each country

Promoting the rights to humanity at all levels

Promoting Global Peace through Sustainability for Humanity

Sustainability for all cultures and all nations for a sustainable future

As a Helping Hands Inc. Diplomatic Humanitarian All Nations Mission, HHIDM serves as an instrument for external affairs with its collective officers and Countries, thus; exercising diplomacy under international law, as a non-territorial state and possessing an inherent official capacity to exercise for diplomatic relations to effectively impact the global communities and the economy.

With Nations and Organizations, HHIDM maintains a global network of diplomatic sustainable representations for growth and humanity through our sustainable educational programs. We are currently in process and engaged in diplomatic relations with many of them. We are introducing our global Diplomatic Mission to the African Union (AU) United Nations (UN), European Union (EU), (GRULAC), (SAARC), (CARICOM), BIMSTEC, ARAB LEAGUE, etc. This will enable our Diplomatic Humanitarian Mission to maintain vast diplomatic relations with a wide range of individual and Sovereign states

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